Dr.Abhinav Kumar Reddy
Dr.Abhinav Kumar Reddy
Dr.Abhinav Kumar Reddy
Endoscopic spine surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique that uses small endoscopic tools and cameras to diagnose and treat spine condtions. This teachnique requires small incisions, nad it does not require large surgical openings, as in traditional open surgery. Endocopic spine surgery is less invasive, has fewer complications, and faster recovery times than traditional spine surgery.
Endoscopic spine surgery has many benefits, including: Minimally Invasive : Endoscopic spine surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique that requires smaller incisions than traditional spine surgery. Less Pain: Endsopic spine surgery causes less tissue damage, which results in less pain and discomfort for the patient. Faster Recovery: Because endscopic spine surgery is less invasive, patines recover faster than with traditional spine surgery. Fewer Complications: Endscopics spine surgery has fewer complications than traditional spine surgery
Patients are lightly sedated with IV medication and positioned comfortably on the operationg table. The surgeon then locally numbs the skin surgical site to ensure the patient is comfortable throughout the surgery. Under fluoroscopic X-ray guidance, the physician guides a spinal needle and guidewire to the painful spinal disc. A micro-incision of 1/4 inch is made. A metal dilator (the size of a pencil) and cannula are gently placed over the guidewire down to the spinal disc to establish the surgical portal. The guidewire and dilator are removed.
• Shorter recovery time and return to work • Smaller incision - less post - operative pain • Reduced postoperative infection risk